In an interview, Arjun Kapoor has started the movie is eying for a multiplex release rather than an OTT release. He added the producers and star cast are waiting for things to get normal. Once it is done, it will pave the way for the release of the film.
However, uncertainty looms large over the end of the COVID pandemic as the second wave has been even more deadly. The actor engrossed in the promotion of 'Sardar ka Grandson' seems hopeful for the near future.
Earlier the grapevine pointed towards an OTT release of the movie. The movie was expected to be released on Disney Hotstar. Directed by Pavan Kirpalani, the spooky adventure comedy is Produced by Ramesh Taurani and Akshai Puri.
The movie which is presented by Tips in association with 12th Street Entertainment, went on the floors by the end of last year.The flick was filmed in Dharamshala, Dalhousie and Palampur.
Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez and Yami Gautam had recently joined the cast of horror-comedy 'Bhoot Police' during the mid way of production, starring Saif Ali Khan and Arjun Kapoor.Bollywood actors Saif Ali Khan and Arjun Kapoor are all set to share the screen space for the first time.Earlier AliFazal and Fatima Sana Sheikh were also part of this project.