Mumbai: Once on-screen buddies, Akshay Kumar and John Abraham went for a clash on Independence Day in 2018. Akshay Kumar starrer Gold earned a lot more than John Abraham's Satyamev Jayate. However, the clash hit Akshay more than John Abraham. How? Let's look into the box office figures first.
The Gold opened with a handsome collection of 25.25 crore. The next day collections came down to 8 Crore. The movie performed a bit better on Friday as the movie minted 10.50 crore. The collection raised to 12.50 crore on Saturday. The movie made the most on Sunday and earned 15.15 crore. Hence the gross collection of the movie was 71 crore.
Satyamev Jayate proved to be the biggest opener for John Abraham as the movie earned a decent 20.52 on the opening day. The next day collection came down to 7.92 crore while on Friday the collections were 9.18. The collections slumped a little bit as the movie earned 9.03. However, Sunday performance saw SJ minting 9.5 crores. The gross collection reached 55 crore mark.