Magdeburg Christmas fair: 2 Killed & 68 injured in car attack


Saturday, 21 December 2024 (14:30 IST)
A total of 68 people received injuries of varying degrees of severity when a car rammed into a crowd at a Christmas fair in the German city of Magdeburg, the city administration said in a statement."Two killed, 15 seriously injured, 37 moderately injured, 16 lightly injured," the statement said.Earlier, the Bild newspaper reported that the number of people injured in the terrorist attack ranged from 60 to 80.

On Friday evening, Germany's NTV broadcaster reported that a car had rammed into a crowd at a Christmas market in Magdeburg. Saxony-Anhalt Minister-President Reiner Haseloff said two people had died, one of whom was a small child. Police suspect that the driver was a 50-year-old Saudi man acting alone.Bild reported citing law enforcement officers that no explosives had been found in the car used to ram into the crowd in Magdeburg.Magdeburg police said the suspect was detained.

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