Uttar Pradesh: Monkeys foil man's bid to rape 6-year-old girl in Baghpat

Webdunia News Desk

Monday, 23 September 2024 (12:42 IST)
In a dramatic turn, a group of monkeys foiled a man’s attempt to rape a six-year-old girl at Baghpat in Uttar Pradesh.

The accused was booked under BNS sections 74 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 76 (assault or use of criminal force to woman with intent to disrobe) and POCSO act and and the police have launched a search to nab him.

The incident took place in Daula village of Baghpat on September 20.

According to the police, the child was playing outside her house when the accused came and lured her to an abandoned house, undressed her and attempted to sexually assault her when suddenly monkeys arrived on the scene. Scared of the aggression shown by the animals, he ran away leaving the girl behind.

The UKG student ran back to home and narrated her ordeal to her parents, told them that how the monkeys “saved” her. Her family then reached the police station and lodged a complaint.

The girl told her parents that the accused threatened to kill her and her family members if she resisted him, the police added.

The accused was captured in CCTV cameras installed in the village, which showed him taking the girl with him.

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