The shocking incident took place at Duggirala village in Pedavegi mandal in Eluru district on Sunday. Police said that the accused Anudeep has been harassing her for the last few months and forcing her to love him.
The family members of the victim told the media that the accused Anudeep took the girl from the engineering hostel three days ago to the village. He confined her in a room and started to torture her. He poured boiling oil on her arms and thighs. He tried to hang her but she escaped from his clutches and reached home.
She informed the matter to the parents who admitted into the GGH here. She is recuperating and out of danger, doctors said. The police registered a case and arrested the accused.
Meanwhile, Telugu Desam party leader and former MLA Chintamaneni Prabakar visited the victim in hospital. (UNI)