Madhya Pradesh Shocker! Children files case against parents for preventing them from using TV-mobile

Webdunia News Desk

Thursday, 1 August 2024 (12:59 IST)
A shocking incident from Madhya Pradesh's Indore has come to light in which two children have registered FIR against their own parents. The only fault of the parents was that they used to scold their children for watching too much TV and using mobile phones.

The incident was reported from Chandan Nagar police station.

According to the petition filed in the High Court, the 21-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son reached the police station on 25 October 2021. They told the police that their parents scold them when they use mobile and TV. They also accused the parents of beating them. On this complaint, the police registered an FIR under the Juvenile Justice Act, in which they could get jail term of 7 years.

After this complaint, the children were living with their paternal aunt. A challan was also issued against the parents. The parents challenged this in the High Court. They said that scolding children for using mobile phones and watching TV too much is a common practice.

While hearing the case, the High Court put an interim stay on the trial started against the parents in the district court.

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