Teacher jailed for having sex with teen student 30 times; they had sexual encounters in car, classroom, school parking lot, & even school trip

Webdunia News Desk

Friday, 24 May 2024 (12:53 IST)
A teacher in US was jailed for having sex with a 17-year-old student up to 30 times. A media also claimed that the teacher and the student had sex even during a class trip to Washington, DC.

Heather Hare, the 33-year-old Arkansas teacher, was sentenced to serve 13 years in the federal sexual assault case along with 20 years to be served concurrently.

Hare earlier made headlines during Covid when she was surprised on TV show “Good Morning America” by her students bidding her goodbye after her classes were cancelled during the pandemic.

An investigation revealed Hare, who is married and has children, had sex with a student about 20 to 30 times, during the 2021-2022 school year.

Hare and the teen, identified as J.R., had sex multiple times at her home, as well as in her vehicle, her classroom and in parking lots at the school.

Hare met her victim on his first day of class that year, and she began counselling him in a one-on-one setting.

Later she gave him her phone number, and the two soon began communicating on Instagram and Snapchat, where Hare eventually told him she had dreamed of them having sex.

“J.R. advised they planned to have sex on the trip and not have to worry about being caught. Hare did come to his hotel room and the two engaged in sex,” the court said.

“Teachers who have sex with their minor students should take note of today’s sentence for Ms. Hare which reflects the consequences of abusing her position of trust and taking advantage of the vulnerability of this minor to repeatedly engage in unlawful sexual activity,” Judge said.

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