As soon as a man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and he immediately falls asleep again
'To awake,' 'to die,' 'to be born.' These are three successive stages. If you study the Gospels, you will see that references are often made to the possibility of being born, necessity of 'dying,' and necessity of 'awakening'
There are only special schools in India, there are no general schools. Every teacher, or guru, is a specialist in some one thing. It would take a thousand years to study everything
I was deeply interested in everything G, said. I felt in it some new points of view, unlike any I had met with before
Among people whom I met during my lectures in Moscow there were two, who very soon began to speak to me about a group which was engaged in various “occult” investigations and directed by a certain G.
The idea of schools in itself was fantastic and nothing seemed to me too fantastic in relation to this idea
I already knew then as an undoubted fact that beyond the thin film of false reality, there existed another reality from which, for some reason, something separated us