A day after actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed at his Mumbai home, a suspect has been taken into custody by Mumbai Police. Visuals this morning showed cops taking a man inside the Bandra police station.It is also not confirmed if he is the same man who had broken into the actor's home yesterday and attacked him.
Khan was allegedly stabbed multiple times in his plush apartment in Mumbai's Bandra area in the wee hours of Thursday by a man who intruded for burglary, the police said.
Khan, who received six injuries in the incident that took place around 2 am, was rushed to a Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent an emergency surgery and was declared out of danger, according to doctors.
The suspect was captured in a CCTV footage wearing a brown t-shirt and a red scarf going downstairs on the sixth floor of the building.
As per doctors, the actor sustained a major injury to the thoracic spinal cord due to a lodged knife in the spine, and surgery was performed to remove a 2.5-inch-long knife from the actor's spine and repair his 'leaking spinal fluid'. After surgery, he was shifted to ICU, where he is currently recovering.