Pune: City-based doctor Kalyan Gangwal who is on a mission to raise an anti-animal sacrifice movement in the society, on Saturday demanded to stop the practice of sacrificing animals to please the goddess Garhimai in Nepal.
In a press release issued here, he said that the world's largest animals are sacrificed every five years in the temple premises of Garhimai Devi, he said.
To stop the killing of animals in the name of Garhimai Devi forever, he has been working tirelessly.
Due to his consistent efforts to stop animal sacrifice across the country over past many years, the octogenarian has succeeded in stopping the undesirable practice of animal sacrifice at many places.
At a time when the "Jatra" (fair) of Garhimai Devi is going on, the superstition of sacrificing and killing animals to please the goddess is so prevalent, he said.