Air India Express sacks 25 cabin crew members, day after mass sick leave; asks others to join duty

Webdunia News Desk

Thursday, 9 May 2024 (10:15 IST)
Air India Express Airlines has sacked around 25 cabin crew members a day after nearly 300 employees of the airline called in sick, leading to large-scale flight disruptions, news agency ANI and PTI reported citing sources within the airline.

On Wednesday, more than 80 flights of Air India Express were cancelled and scores of flights were delayed.

The Tata Group-owned airline has also given an ultimatum to the remaining employees reporting sick to join back duty by 4 pm on Thursday or face termination, PTI added.

The airlines has also cancelled at least 60 flights for Thursday due to the non-availability of cabin crew, the sources said and added that mass leaves by a section of the cabin crew have caused immense inconvenience to passengers.

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