Hyderabad: Haryana Governor Bandaru Dattatreya has extended his heartfelt congratulations to Shrimati Goli Shyamala, 52, a native of Samarlakota in Kakinada district, Andhra Pradesh, who currently resides in Hyderabad, for her extraordinary achievement of swimming nearly 150 kilometers in the Bay of Bengal.
Over a week, Shyamala completed this remarkable journey from Visakhapatnam to Kakinada.
In a telephonic conversation, Dattatreya praised her bravery and determination, describing her as an inspiration and a role model for people of all ages. He highlighted her passion for ocean swimming, which began as a hobby, and commended her for breaking barriers and proving that age is no obstacle to adventure.
The Governor also noted Shyamala's previous achievements, including a challenging swim near Ram Setu and her demonstrations of skill in Sri Lanka and Lakshadweep. He expressed hope that she would continue to pursue more adventurous feats in the future.