Karnataka: Police intervene as tensions erupts over construction of Dalit community hall near Ikhlas Khan Mosque in Vijayapura


Sunday, 19 May 2024 (18:24 IST)
Vijayapura: Tensions flared in the city as a clash erupted between members of the Dalit community and Muslim residents over the construction of a community hall near the historic Ikhlas Khan Mosque.
The Dalit youth aimed to establish the center adjacent to the mosque, sparking objections from Muslim leaders citing the protected status of the area under the Archaeological Survey of India.
The dispute quickly escalated into a heated confrontation between the two groups, with Dalit leaders asserting their right to construct on government land and Muslim representatives insisting on obtaining permission from the Indian Archeology Department.
Amidst the growing tension, police intervention became necessary to prevent further escalation, though initial attempts to quell the conflict were met with resistance from both sides.
Ultimately, law enforcement, led by Mallaya Mathapathy of Golagummata Police Station, managed to diffuse the situation and instructed community leaders to furnish the necessary documentation.

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