Tuesday witnessed the grand stage of the National Games, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed several key issues related to sports development. However, he also raised three significant topics that highlighted Uttarakhand's unique efforts. The Prime Minister specifically commended the Dhami government's initiatives and praised them openly. These three topics were the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), Winter Tourism, and the Plastic-Free Campaign.
Following Prime Minister Narendra Modi's praise, the Dhami government's initiatives have reached a broader national and international audience. the Prime Minister had made a special mention of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) implemented in Uttarakhand. He connected the underlying spirit of inclusivity in sports and the UCC in an interesting manner.
Recently, the Dhami government's proactive approach to Winter Tourism Yatra received full support from the Prime Minister, which holds significant importance. Regarding Winter Tourism, launched to benefit Uttarakhand's local economy, the Prime Minister made an important statement expressing his desire to personally participate in this initiative. During his recent visit to Delhi, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami had invited the Prime Minister to join the Winter Tourism Yatra. By branding this initiative, the Prime Minister has further propelled the state's efforts.
The Prime Minister was impressed with the Green Games theme of the National Games. He spoke highly of initiatives like medal creation from e-waste and tree plantation by winning athletes. Additionally, he openly appreciated the Dhami government's efforts toward the Plastic-Free Campaign.