Third arrest made by ATS in the country-wide network of religious conversion case

Saturday, 2 October 2021 (11:32 IST)
Lucknow:Uttar Pradesh ATS has made one more arrest in illegal conversion case.The arrested person's name is Dheeraj Jagtap alias Dheeraj Deshmukh, a resident of Yavatlam, Maharashtra. He was called to the ATS headquarters here for questioning, from where he was arrested, on Friday night.

ADG Law and Order Prashant Kumar said here on Saturday that while disclosing the conversion case done on June 21, Umar Gautam and Jahangir were arrested from Delhi.

So far 14 people have been arrested in this case. He said that after Dheeraj converted to Islam 10 years ago, he got involved in the activities of conversion. He was doing conversion work in collaboration with Prasad Kanwre alias Adam, Kausar Alam and Arslan alias Bhupriya Bindo, who were arrested earlier in Mumbai.

Mr Kumar said that to conduct the conversion activities , accused Dheeraj had created three different WhatsApp groups. These groups were formed under the names of Revert, Rehab and Dawa.Through which he spreaded religious ill-will, by giving various kinds of inducements and used to inspire people to convert to Islam.

ADG said that Dheeraj is an active member of the country-wide network of earlier arrested Umar Gautam and Kaleem Siddiqui. He also said that on the pretext of helping people, Dheeraj used to make them convert by showing greed or fear. Dheeraj also helped in making illegal documents of converts in association with Prakash Kavre, who was arrested earlier.

He said that such facts also came to light where Dheeraj has got people converted even on the pretext of getting jobs.Dheeraj will be produced in the court today.(UNI)

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