BIZARRE! Woman arrives at UP police exam centre with iron chain locked around waist; says "10 ghosts have left, won't remove the chain till.."

Webdunia News Desk

Sunday, 1 September 2024 (18:20 IST)
<img style="border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-right: 0px; float: none; z-index: 0;" class="imgCont" src="" align="center" title="BIZARRE! Woman arrives at UP police exam centre with iron chain locked around waist; says " 10="" ghosts="" have="" left,="" won't="" remove="" the="" chain="" till..""="" width="1111" height="645" alt="BIZARRE! Woman arrives at UP police exam centre with iron chain locked around waist; says ">
In a bizarre incident, a female candidate arrived at a centre of Uttar Pradesh Police constable Recruitment Exam in Maharajganj with an iron chain locked around her waist.

The incident unfolded at Government Girls Inter College Dhanewa Dhanei when the candidate triggered the metal detector during a routine security check, revealing the chain.

Upon inquiry, the woman disclosed that the lock was placed on the advice of a Tantrik to rid her of ghosts, as per media reports.

When the on duty security personnel asked the woman to remove the chain, she said that she would not remove it even if she had to leave the exam.

Her family, present at the gate, supported her story, stating that 10 ghosts have left her and now this 11th lock would only be removed after the last ghost leaves her. Given the unusual circumstances, higher officials were consulted.

The woman candidate was later permitted to take the exam under the special supervision of the room inspector after a thorough check confirmed she had no prohibited devices, the report said.

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