Couple was busy making love in back seat of Range Rover; then suddenly this happened and car falls into river

Webdunia News Desk

Friday, 30 August 2024 (13:47 IST)
A couple, who was busy making love inside a car, was in for a surprise when their vehicle rolled into the river.

The incident took place in Philadelphia.

The police reported that a vehicle parked on Kelly Drive rolled into the Schuylkill River near the Columbia Bridge at about 4:45 a.m.

The police said that a man and woman were engaged in romantic activities in the backseat of the car when the woman accidentally shifted the gears, causing the vehicle to roll right into the water.

The police said the people inside the car were able to safely get out of the vehicle while it was in the water, and no one was taken to the hospital.

The vehicle, believed to be a 2020 Range Rover, was pulled from the water around 9 a.m.

This is the second time within the last couple of weeks a vehicle rolled into the river from Kelly Drive. The previous time, no one was found inside the vehicle.

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