HORRIFIC! Woman falls to death from 3rd-story gym window during treadmill workout (VIDEO)

Webdunia News Desk

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 (17:44 IST)
A 22-year-old woman fell to her death from a treadmill placed close to an open window in Indonesia.

The incident happened in Pontianak, when the woman was working out at the gym.

The CCTV footage of the horrifying moment is going viral on the social media.

The viral clip shows the woman running on a treadmill before stepping off and being propelled backward by the moving belt and tumbled out of the window that was left open.

The woman is also seen trying to grab the window frame but she fell. She was rushed to the hospital where she was declared dead.

A shocking incident occurred in an Indonesian gym, where a 22-year-old woman tragically fell off a treadmill and out of a third-floor window.#Indonesia pic.twitter.com/WShR0O8UOn

— RRN (@RRNmedia) June 25, 2024

The victim had reportedly been exercising for about 30 minutes when she stepped back from the treadmill. According to the police, there was only a 2-foot gap between the machine and the open window.

Though the gym had put warning stickers not to open windows, the sticker was reportedly damaged. The gym owner said the treadmills' backs were facing the windows because he didn't want to block the view.

While there are personal trainers who are tasked to close the open windows, one was taking a break when the incident happened. The gym was subsequently closed for three days.

The police has launched an investigation into the incident.

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