'Wear proper undergarments': Delta Airlines' memo for flight attendants receives backlash

Webdunia News Desk

Wednesday, 18 September 2024 (15:34 IST)
Delta Airlines’ new memo for flight attendants is receiving backlash online. The bizarre memo titled “Flight attendant hiring appearance requirements” outlines how flight attendants should look during the interview process, training and throughout their career. The memo's most surprising requirements include a mandate to "wear undergarments" and ensure they "aren't visible."

The airline recently shared a long list of “grooming, hair, jewellery, and clothing”, adding that it is “inclusive of, but not limited to the oldest operating US airline’s appearance requirements”.

The memo starts saying, ““Delta Flight Attendants spend the most time with our customers and are the face of our airline.”

“The customer service experience begins the moment a Flight Attendant puts on their uniform,” the document added.

List of some of the guidelines:

The airlines also said that on the interview day, profanity, chewing gum and the use of phones or earbuds are not permitted.

“We will work with you to accommodate a specific manner of dress or physical appearance in keeping with religious beliefs or practices unless it causes a safety hazard or other undue burden on the company,” the memo also clarifies.

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