Los Angeles Police release video of officer shooting teenage girl

Tuesday, 28 December 2021 (14:20 IST)
Washington:The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has published a video of the incident where a police officer accidentally killed a fourteen-year-old girl while firing at a suspect in a clothing store.

It was reported last week that the girl was killed when an officer's bullet passed through the wall of a dressing room. The state attorney general has launched a probe into the shooting.

The 35-minute video posted on the LAPD's YouTube channel includes audio recordings of phone calls to 911 as well as video footage from the store's cameras and police body cameras.
The bodycam footage shows that after the police officers had located the suspect, one of them opened fire at him from a long-barrelled gun. According to the police, one of the bullets ricocheted from the floor and hit the dressing room.(UNI/Sputnik)

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